Human Resources

Managers Are Failing, Here's How HR Can Help Them

| 1 hour

Organizations expect more from their managers than ever before. Managers must not only learn to manage hybrid teams with new employee expectations and demands, but they do so amid economic uncertainty, high attrition, and a rapid pace of change. Most organizations try to support managers by providing better development programs, new tools and technologies to boost productivity, and more robust well-being programs. Despite these considerable investments, 50% of employees are not confident in their manager's ability to lead their team to success in the next two years. HR leaders must recognize that the work environment has fundamentally changed and that they must redefine the role of the manager. Join this complimentary HR webinar to learn how the best organizations enable managers to lead successful teams in an environment of rapidly evolving employee and business expectations.

  • Determine the impacts of the post-pandemic work environment on the manager’s role 

  • Build the right training programs for management skills in a hybrid work environment

  • Remove process barriers that make it harder for managers to do their jobs

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Brent Cassell

VP, Advisory

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